Nestopia, portable and cyclically accurate NES / Famicom emulator written in C++

Nestopia UE is an opensource emulator for Famicom (NES) and Famicom Disk System (FDS) written in C++. Nestopia allows for graphical enhancements, such as texture scaling and TV filters, as well as netplay support.

It's one of the most popular and compatible emulators in the world. The software supports the. NES and. FDS ROM games, which allow you to replicate a wide range of NES games, such as The Legend of Zelda, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy and Castlevania. You can create save states with the. NS1 extension to instantly save the progress of your game without having to reach a checkpoint. The simulator also comes with a lot of options to customize your video performance, tone, gameplay timing, screen size, game cheating, and other preferences.

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